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We hope this website will make a good impression on you and invite you to know God together, increasing in wisdom and spiritual skill, remaining strengthened and steadfast in the hope of the Resurrection. The doors of our Church are open to all who wish to live and learn the Holy Orthodox Faith.

Who we are

The Romanian Orthodox Church (ROC; Romanian: Biserica Ortodoxă Română, BOR), or Patriarchate of Romania, is an autocephalous Eastern Orthodox church in full communion with other Eastern Orthodox Christian churches, and one of the nine patriarchates in the Eastern Orthodox Church. 

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 St. Brancoveni 

Romanian Orthodox Parish of "Holy Martyrs of Brancoveni" was established under the canonical jurisdiction of the Romanian...

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Romanian Patriarchate

Romanian Patriarchate is made up of eparchies grouped in Metropolitanates, as well as of other units inside or outside the frontiers of Romania...

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Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of Australia and New Zealand

The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of Australia and New Zealand, in direct dependence with the Romanian Patriarchate, was founded ....





Sundays and Church Holidays according to the church calendar.


09:00am to 12:00pm


We offer you a collection of documentaries about the picturesque landscapes of Romania produced by Agerpres and Wild Carpathia but also shows about ethnography and folklore made by Trinitas TV.

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